Dimmers (Warm to touch)

Dimmers (Warm to touch)

Warm dimmers are normal. Read the following information:

  • A dimmer-switch is like a transformer: it generates heat.
  • Dimmers will become especially warm when near their wattage capacity. An average line voltage dimmer is typically rated at 600 maximum watts. To see if your dimmer falls within the maximum wattage, add the wattage of all the light bulbs controlled by your dimmer. Higher rated dimmers are available if necessary.
  • Special dimmers are needed to control ceiling fans, low voltage lighting, fluorescent lighting, and certain types of motors.
  • Dimmers can be damaged by improper installation. If you are uncertain how to install a dimmer, call us!
  • See our Dimmer page to learn the energy-saving benefits of dimmers.

For more info go to: LUTRON or LEVITON.